
Ukraine’s Zelensky arrives at D-Day 80th anniversary to cheers

Ukraine’s Zelensky arrives at D-Day 80th anniversary to cheers

Emily Foster

The D-Day operation took place 80 years ago this morning.  It was the largest seaborne invasion in history and began the liberation ...

Britain is falling for the same military trap that vanquished the Nazis

Britain is falling for the same military trap that vanquished the Nazis

Emily Foster

In this week of the 80th anniversary of D-Day, it is useful to pause and consider why the Allies prevailed on that ...

Parachutists recreate D-Day invasion on 80th anniversary

Parachutists recreate D-Day invasion on 80th anniversary

William Turner

After the ceremony, the King and the Prince of Wales chatted to the veterans who took part who watched from the stands.  ...