Brain Inspired AI Learns Like Humans

Laura Adams

Summary: Today’s AI can read, talk, and analyze data but still has critical limitations. NeuroAI researchers designed a new AI model inspired ...

AI Decodes Fruit Fly Vision, Paving Way for Human Insight

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: Researchers developed an AI model of the fruit fly brain to understand how vision guides behavior. By genetically silencing specific visual ...

Bending Time: Decoding Tempo Adaptation in Neural Circuits

Sarah Carter

Summary: A new study unveiled a key mechanism in how the brain adapts to varying tempos in life. Using Alston’s singing mouse, ...

How Neurons Help Decipher Wine Aromas and Other Scents

Sarah Carter

Summary: Scientists unraveled how animals differentiate distinct scents, even those that seem remarkably similar. While some neurons consistently identify differing smells, others ...