
The EU has just put its car industry on the road to destruction

Robert Johnson

We can argue about whether the Chinese cars are subsidised by the state or are simply manufactured more efficiently by companies that ...

the town on the front lines of left-behind Britain

William Turner

Grimsby’s experience offers lessons for how the next government can better help other towns with shrinking or stagnating populations. “As a local ...

How Gordon Brown could tempt Labour into a stealth ‘mortgage tax’

Robert Johnson

Paul Tucker, a former deputy governor of the Bank, argued in an influential 2022 paper that the scale of the payments caused ...

Asda to outsource staff to Indian company

Robert Johnson

Following the latest announcement regarding Asda’s outsourcing proposal, bosses are understood to have been inundated with questions from worried workers. Asda’s IT ...

How ‘Strava stalkers’ drove fitness apps to protect female joggers

Laura Adams

Late last year the app also added direct messaging, although this too has raised concerns that the feature could add to digital ...

Germany battles to block Brussels clampdown on Chinese EVs

Robert Johnson

Thanks for joining me. We begin with Germany, where officials are aiming to water down the EU’s plans for tariffs on China’s ...

Staff ditching work-from-home Fridays and returning to the pub

Robert Johnson

This led to many employees steering clear of the office on Mondays and Fridays, earning them the nickname “TWaTs” – in reference ...

Housing market recovery ‘slips into reverse’ amid election uncertainty

Robert Johnson

Thanks for joining me. Property professionals are raising concerns about the housing market today, which they fear has endured a slump since ...

Elon Musk accused of pursuing women at his company for sex

Robert Johnson

Elon Musk pursued women at his company for sex, including a former intern more than 20 years his junior with whom he ...

Elon Musk hails ‘epic achievement’ as Starship returns to Earth

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Elon Musk’s Starship has successfully returned to Earth for the first time, completing its fourth mission and several critical tests before splashing ...