Brain health

I’m not brainy, but my 72 years give me an edge over younger people

I’m not brainy, but my 72 years give me an edge over younger people

Sarah Carter

“Welcome to The Wonder Years” read the message on the front of the birthday card sent to my partner, who turned 70 ...

7 Dry fruits and nuts that are rich in Vitamin B12

7 Dry fruits and nuts that are rich in Vitamin B12

Sarah Carter

Do you often feel lethargic and weak, then your body is silently indicating a lack of essential nutrients like Vitamin B12, which ...

One spoonful a day of this ‘love it or hate it’ food could help anxiety and sleep

One spoonful a day of this ‘love it or hate it’ food could help anxiety and sleep

Sarah Carter

There are a number of factors that can influence our mental state and brain power. Some of this can be linked to ...

How does exercise help maintain brain health and boost longevity?

How does exercise help maintain brain health and boost longevity?

Sarah Carter

Exercise greatly benefits brain health, improving cognition, mood and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Several new studies have demonstrated the profound ...

Climate Change Threatens Brain Health

Climate Change Threatens Brain Health

Sarah Carter

Summary: Climate change poses a significant threat to individuals with brain conditions. Extreme temperatures, poor sleep due to warmer nights, and adverse ...

Exercise Enhances Brain Function Through Muscle-Nerve Interaction

Exercise Enhances Brain Function Through Muscle-Nerve Interaction

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers uncovered a critical link between exercise, muscle function, and brain health. Their study reveals that nerves activating muscles during exercise ...

Daily fibre supplement could improve brain function in over-60s

Daily fibre supplement could improve brain function in over-60s

Sarah Carter

A daily fibre supplement could help improve brain function in over 60-year-olds in only 12 weeks, research suggests. The study showed that ...

Scientists may have finally solved the mystery of consciousness – and the discoveries are troubling

Scientists may have finally solved the mystery of consciousness – and the discoveries are troubling

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Our age-old (and some might say naïve) conception of human nature has long held on to three dogmas. The first is that ...

NHS early trials show ‘olive oil drug’ may help treat deadly and incurable brain cancer glioblastoma

NHS early trials show ‘olive oil drug’ may help treat deadly and incurable brain cancer glioblastoma

Sarah Carter

An “olive oil drug” could help treat a deadly and incurable brain tumour, an early trial run by the NHS suggests. Glioblastoma ...

‘I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at 29, like Michael J Fox’

‘I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at 29, like Michael J Fox’

Sarah Carter

I also have to deal with something called dystonia, where my feet turn into fists while I’m trying to walk, or my ...