
World’s Largest Telescope Mirror Will Bring the Stars Closer to Earth

Dr. Thomas Hughes

This artist’s rendering shows a night view of the Extremely Large Telescope in operation on Cerro Armazones in northern Chile. The telescope ...

Celebrating Independence Day With Webb’s Star Formation Spectacle

Dr. Thomas Hughes

This new image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope showcases a young protostar in the process of forming within a fiery hourglass-shaped ...

Scientists discover secret planet hiding in our solar system

Dr. Thomas Hughes

There are eight planets in our solar system – plus poor old Pluto, which was demoted in 2006 – but what if ...

Part of the sun is broken and scientists are baffled

Dr. Thomas Hughes

We don’t want to alarm anyone, but the sun is broken. A section of the sun has left the surface and begun ...

Earth’s Inner Core Has Been Slowing Down Since 2010, Say Scientists

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Scientists have found that the Earth’s inner core is slowing down in relation to the planet’s … [+] surface. getty New research ...

Hubble’s Rare Glimpse at Star Formation in a Distant Galaxy’s Core

Dr. Thomas Hughes

By ESA/Hubble June 24, 2024 The Hubble Space Telescope’s Advanced Camera for Surveys captured this detailed image of the galaxy NGC 5253 ...

Webb Telescope Reveals Stunning Stellar Jets in Serpens Nebula

Dr. Thomas Hughes

In this image of the Serpens Nebula from the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) on NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers found a grouping ...

NASA’s Voyager 1 Springs Back to Life

Dr. Thomas Hughes

NASA’s Voyager 1 has overcome a technical setback from November 2023, successfully resuming normal operations and data transmission by May 2024. All ...

How Modified Gravity Challenges Einstein and Dark Matter

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Using gravitational lensing, scientists uncovered that dark matter may stretch over a million light-years from galactic centers, proposing significant adjustments to our ...

Don’t Miss the Strawberry Moon in June’s Night Sky!

Dr. Thomas Hughes

The name “Strawberry Moon” isn’t from the color of the Moon, despite what you see in this artist’s illustration. It comes from ...