
Hythe mum mistakenly branded ‘drug seeker’ amid ‘debilitating’ endometriosis flare-up

Sarah Carter

A mum-of-one says she was labelled a “drug seeker” by medical staff despite being in “debilitating” pain because of a severe endometriosis ...

Video shows Tesco shoppers in Ashford clashing with animal rights activists in meat aisle

Robert Johnson

Footage shows fed-up Tesco shoppers clashing with animal rights activists who blocked a meat aisle. Six members of Animal Rising Kent – ...

Oliver Steeper’s death after choking at Jelly Beans Day Nursery in Ashford ruled as misadventure, inquest jury finds

William Turner

Jurors have returned a conclusion of misadventure at an inquest into the death of a little boy who choked on food at ...

Search for missing light aircraft in Charing near Ashford called off

William Turner

Crews are standing down in the search for a light aircraft reported to have been in trouble flying over a village. Firefighters ...

Pensioner with cancer tells of struggles living in damp-ridden flat in Downland Court, Ashford

Robert Johnson

A pensioner with cancer says the stress of living in a flat ridden with mould has left her unable to sleep. For ...

Whitstable mum who lost 7st after cancer misdiagnosis says ‘lessons not learned’

Sarah Carter

A mum-of-four who endured cancer chemotherapy after being misdiagnosed with the disease says a hospital trust “has not learned from its mistakes”. ...

Mersham-le-Hatch Business Village near Ashford set to expand amid ‘significant demand’

Robert Johnson

Owners of a popular business park want to expand the site as it continues to “buck the trend” of failing high streets ...

Work starts on new Aldi store in Kennington, Ashford, after plans finally approved

Robert Johnson

Work has started on a controversial new Aldi store just days after plans were finally approved. Contractors have moved onto a 1.85-acre ...

Plans to turn extension at County Square shopping centre in Ashford into 200 homes put forward

Robert Johnson

A shopping centre’s £60m extension could be turned into 200 homes as bosses admit the closure-hit development is “failing”. Owners of Ashford’s ...

Ashford Road, Kingsnorth, hit with ‘third flood in three weeks’

Robert Johnson

Residents say they are “scared to go to bed at night” after their road was hit with a “third flood in three ...