artificial intelligence

Brain Inspired AI Learns Like Humans

Laura Adams

Summary: Today’s AI can read, talk, and analyze data but still has critical limitations. NeuroAI researchers designed a new AI model inspired ...

AI creates moving versions of famous memes leaving people seriously freaked out

Laura Adams

It feels like memes have been around since the day of the internet, doesn’t it? But artificial intelligence (AI) certainly feels like ...

AI-Powered Pills Track Gut Health in Real Time

Sarah Carter

Summary: Scientists have created an AI-powered system to track ingestible devices that monitor disease markers in the gut. This non-invasive technology could ...

If Ray Kurzweil Is Right (Again), You’ll Meet His Immortal Soul in the Cloud

Dr. Thomas Hughes

You put a stake in the ground with your book The Singularity Is Near. This one is called The Singularity Is Nearer. ...

OpenAI Employees Warn of a Culture of Risk and Retaliation

Sophie Anderson

A group of current and former OpenAI employees have issued a public letter warning that the company and its rivals are building ...

Elon Musk warns Windows users to turn off controversial new AI feature comparing it to ‘a Black Mirror episode’

Laura Adams

ELON Musk has warned Windows users to turn off a controversial new AI feature that’s like “a Black Mirror episode”. The Tesla ...

Why Are Some Images Are More Memorable Than Others?

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: A new study reveals that the brain prioritizes remembering images that are harder to explain. Researchers used a computational model and ...

Google AI makes string of errors after relying on joke websites

Laura Adams

Google’s artificial intelligence-powered search results have claimed that Barack Obama is a Muslim and told people to eat rocks, in the latest ...

AI Decodes Fruit Fly Vision, Paving Way for Human Insight

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Summary: Researchers developed an AI model of the fruit fly brain to understand how vision guides behavior. By genetically silencing specific visual ...

iOS 18 to Use AI to Summarize Notifications, Add to Calendar, and More

Laura Adams

Apple is poised to unveil an auto-summarization feature for notifications as part of a series of new artificial intelligence features in iOS ...