
Autopsy of 44,000-year-old WOLF frozen solid with its last meal still in its stomach could unearth ancient super-viruses

Sarah Carter

SCIENTISTS have conducted an autopsy of an ancient wolf that was found frozen solid after 44,000 years with its last meal still ...

Cargo from ‘world’s oldest shipwreck’ from the Bronze Age is finally found after spending 3,300 years lost at sea

Emily Foster

PRICELESS historic cargo from a ship that had been lost at sea for thousands of years has been discovered by accident. The ...

Is this the face of world’s FIRST MAN? Scientists reveal ‘strong & serene’ likeness of human from 300,000 years ago

Dr. Thomas Hughes

THE face of the oldest known human being, whose body rewrote history, can be seen for the first time in 300,000 years. ...

“Extraordinary” 4,000-Year-Old Egyptian Skull Reveals Surgical Attempts at Cancer Care

Sarah Carter

Skull and mandible 236, dating from between 2687 and 2345 BCE, belonged to a male individual aged 30 to 35. Credit: Tondini, ...

Cosmic Ray Sheds New Light on 7,000-Year-Old Ancient Greek Settlement

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Researchers at the University of Bern have successfully dated a prehistoric farming settlement in northern Greece to between 5328 and 5140 BC, ...

One-million-year-old ‘Dragon man’ skull found in China may belong to ‘long lost ancestral species’, say researchers

Dr. Thomas Hughes

A ONE-million-year-old skull found in China might belong to a species of ancient human known as the “Dragon Man”. In 1989 and 1990, a ...

Secret of Great Pyramid construction revealed by dried-up river

Emily Foster

“[This] strongly implies that this river branch was contemporaneously functioning during the Old Kingdom, at the time of pyramid construction,” the team ...

Lost Atlantis-like ‘Sahul’ continent that let ancient humans ‘cross from Asia to Australia’ revealed in stunning map

Dr. Thomas Hughes

NEW archaeological records provide evidence of a lost Atlantis-like landscape that early humans traveled on more than 70,000 years ago. However, researchers ...

Ancient 30-foot ‘great white relative’ remains found with 22-inch teeth and may be biggest turtle-gobbling shark ever

Dr. Thomas Hughes

SCIENTISTS have unearthed the first-ever well-preserved fossils of an ancient shark relative which now prove it’s a prehistoric predator unlike any other. ...

Dentist Makes an Unsettling Discovery in the Floor of His Parents’ Newly Renovated Home

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Something about one of the floor tiles in his parents’ newly renovated European home seemed extremely strange. That’s because the man who ...