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Rupert Murdoch marries fifth wife Elena Shukova in vineyard wedding at age 93

Robert Johnson

Stay ahead of the curve with our weekly guide to the latest trends, fashion, relationships and more Stay ahead of the curve …

Diablo 4 celebrates its first anniversary by giving you “a goblin’s heap” of free gifts

Laura Adams

“Come one, come all” – Diablo 4 is about to celebrate its first anniversary, and Blizzard has “a goblin’s heap of rewards” …

Kate Garraway enjoys family trip to Cornwall after friends loaned her a car but admits it’s ‘bittersweet’ as she continues to struggle with £1.5m debt from late husband Derek Draper’s care

James Parker

Kate Garraway has revealed her ‘amazing friends’ have helped her a loan a brand new car as she sets off on a …

City of Troy justifying the hype

Olivia Martin

John Ingles on why City of Troy’s sire was his trainer’s focus of attention after the Derby and how he’ll be key …

Fiachra Ó Faoláin Co Tyrone: Young man killed in NI lake incident is nephew of MLA Colm Gildernew as family pay tribute

William Turner

Sinn Fein MLA Colm Gildernew – the uncle of Mr Ó Faoláin – confirmed his nephew’s death in the tragic incident, releasing …

‘Parade of planets’ appearing in tonight’s night sky – what you need to know | Science & Tech News

Dr. Thomas Hughes

The planets are aligning in a rare celestial parade but you are going to need stargazing equipment if you want to see …

I’m a nutritionist and here’s how to cut ultra processed foods out of your diet without making it boring

Sarah Carter

Ultra-processed foods have become a staple in many diets due to their convenience and taste. However, these foods are often packed with …

Donald Trump latest news: Stormy Daniels calls for former president to be jailed after guilty verdict

Emily Foster

Biden calls Trump’s claims of a rigged trial ‘reckless, dangerous and irresponsible’ Sign up for the daily Inside Washington email for exclusive …