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Coronation Street icon Helen Worth’s exit storyline REVEALED as legendary character returns for her final scenes – The Sun

James Parker

CORONATION Street legend Helen Worth’s exit storyline will see Gail rekindle her romance with Martin Platt and sail off into the sunset, …

Katty Kay: Reality sinks in as Democrats weigh Biden’s future

Emily Foster

Joe Biden’s surprisingly bad debate performance on Thursday night has prompted panic, confusion and even sadness in the Democratic Party, including among …

Serotonin 2C Receptor Key to Memory

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers discovered the serotonin 2C receptor in the brain plays a crucial role in regulating memory in both humans and animal …

Vancouver pioneered liberal drug policies. Fentanyl destroyed them

Sarah Carter

He is unconscious, barely breathing, sprawled on a pavement in downtown Vancouver. When the firefighters arrive, a bystander explains that the man …

‘Immortal stars’ could feast on dark matter in the Milky Way’s heart

Dr. Thomas Hughes

“All good things must come to an end.” That adage holds true in the cosmos as well as on Earth. We are …

How comb jellies have adapted to life at the bottom of the ocean

Dr. Thomas Hughes

A collage of five of the comb jelly species studied. Red coloration as seen in the two specimens at right is common …

Election 2024 polls and predictions for every constituency, mapped

William Turner

The overall result of this election is clear in every poll, large and small – Labour are on course for a big …

Reform takes three point lead over Tories in shock poll

William Turner

Sign up to our free fortnightly newsletter from The Independent’s Race Correspondent Nadine White Sign up to our free fortnightly newsletter The …