
The latest scientific discoveries, breaking news, and expert analysis

Physicists Finally Confirm Einstein’s Stunning Prediction About Black Holes : ScienceAlert

Dr. Thomas Hughes

The detailed mechanics of how matter falls down onto a black hole from outside the event horizon have been revealed in a ...

Einstein was right about bizarre plunging region around black holes

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Scientists have spotted a strange area around black holes called the plunging region for the first time. In his general theory of relativity, ...

Swarming Proxima Centauri: Coherent Picospacecraft Swarms Over Interstellar Distances

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Graphic depiction of Swarming Proxima Centauri: Coherent Picospacecraft Swarms Over Interstellar Distances Thomas Eubanks Tiny gram-scale interstellar probes pushed by laser light ...

Did Earth’s Multicellular Life Depend on Plate Tectonics?

Dr. Thomas Hughes

How did complex life emerge and evolve on the Earth and what does this mean for finding life beyond Earth? This is ...

More Evidence for the Gravitational Wave Background of the Universe

Dr. Thomas Hughes

The gravitational wave background was first detected in 2016. It was announced following the release of the first data set from the ...

A look at car key thefts in Harrow known as ‘Millennium Burglaries’

Dr. Thomas Hughes

As with other boroughs, Harrow does have its criminal element – although rates are, thankfully, fairly low. Today, we’re looking at the ...

‘Son of Concorde’ X-59 plane that could fly from London to NYC in 1.5hrs at 925mph one step closer to first flight

Dr. Thomas Hughes

NASA’S supersonic X-59 plane, that could one day flight from London to New York in just 1.5hours, is one step closer to ...

Earth-size planet found orbiting nearby star that will outlive the sun by 100 billion years

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Astronomers have discovered an Earth-size planet that is showered with so much radiation, its atmosphere eroded away long ago, leaving it bare. ...

The unstoppable march of mushrooms will remake our world

Dr. Thomas Hughes

What do Beatrix Potter and Jeremy Clarkson have in common? Both are susceptible to the charm of pigs – Potter’s Tale of ...

Why a giant ‘cold spot’ in the cosmic microwave background has long perplexed astronomers

Dr. Thomas Hughes

Leftover light from the young universe has a major flaw, and we don’t know how to fix it. It’s the cold spot. ...