
The latest health news, research, and expert advice.

UK faces surge in silent killer disease – eight major risk factors listed

Sarah Carter

Health experts are warning the public to consider eight vital factors that could lead to a huge surge in cases of a ...

Expression of concern coming for paper some used to link COVID-19 vaccines to deaths – Retraction Watch

Sarah Carter

The journal BMJ Public Health is placing an expression of concern on a paper it said “gave rise to widespread misreporting and ...

Apple Cider Vinegar: 4 Reasons to Use It to Aid Your Wellness

Sarah Carter

Vinegar has a long history, dating back to at least 5,000 B.C. Its many uses include preservation, flavoring, pickling and medicine. It ...

Weight loss guru shares 14 simple tips to have fun at the weekend WITHOUT sabotaging your goals

Sarah Carter

LIFE is for living, and none of us want to be trapped in a cycle of restricting foods and missing out on ...

‘I lost 4.7st by combining two types of exercise

Sarah Carter

Dieting is considered essential for weight loss but, for many, it isn’t conducive to keeping off large amounts of weight. In a ...

Vet bills: Owner quoted £500 to have hamster’s teeth removed

Sarah Carter

Image caption, One pet owner was quoted £450 to £500 for her hamster’s teeth to be removed When Danielle Amos’ hamster Lyra ...

Mum-of-five thought she was ‘bloated because of carbs’ before bombshell diagnosis

Sarah Carter

A mum-of-five has bravely opened up about her battle with cancer which turned her world upside down in an instant. Lindsey Ellis, ...

Watch our quick 5-minute workouts to tone your bum, legs, abs and arms in time for summer

Sarah Carter

WITH the summer holidays around the corner, you might want to tone up a little in time for bikini season.  Time isn’t ...

Study Suggests Aligning Treatment With Body Clock Boosts Cancer-Fighting Power

Sarah Carter

Study reveals how disrupting this internal body clock reduces immune effectiveness. Scientists have found that timing cancer treatment based on a patient’s ...

UK faces ‘tsunami’ of silent killer diease in ‘people who are normal weight’

Sarah Carter

The UK faces a “tsunami” of a silent killer disease with eight major risk factors named. According to the British Liver Trust ...