
The latest health news, research, and expert advice.

Long COVID Brain Fog: Impact and Coping Strategies

Sarah Carter

Summary: Long COVID, affecting 7% of U.S. adults, often includes debilitating brain fog. Symptoms like forgetfulness and difficulty focusing affect daily life ...

The best measures to reduce barcode lips and mouth wrinkles, including the drink you need to hydrate the skin

Sarah Carter

The skin around a woman’s mouth will often give away her age. Wrinkles begin to set in over time and some develop ...

The health risks of being a skinny old person – and how to stay strong

Sarah Carter

Build up the length of your walks slowly  Walking is the starting point for someone who wants to strengthen their heart and ...

A Psychologist Explains The Concerning Rise Of ‘Drunkorexia’

Sarah Carter

Severely restricting caloric consumption before drinking could reflect deeper mental health … [+] struggles. getty “Drunkorexia,” a portmanteau of the words “drunk” ...

Sign you may be functioning alcoholic can be seen in pub as summer begins in UK

Sarah Carter

Updated 16:49 2 Jun 2024 GMT+1Published 16:44 2 Jun 2024 GMT+1 If you think you could be struggling with alcohol, here is ...

I’m a nutritionist and here’s how to cut ultra processed foods out of your diet without making it boring

Sarah Carter

Ultra-processed foods have become a staple in many diets due to their convenience and taste. However, these foods are often packed with ...

Breast cancer: New blood test can predict return, researchers say

Sarah Carter

Image source, Institute of Cancer Research Image caption, Lead researcher Dr Isaac Garcia-Murillas believes the test lays the groundwork for better monitoring ...

Torch fat by ditching common eating habit that ‘leads to weight gain

Sarah Carter

It is universally understood that what you eat can play a huge part in determining whether a person will lose or gain ...

To pee or not to pee? That is a question for the bladder—and the brain

Sarah Carter

You’re driving somewhere, eyes on the road, when you start to feel a tingling sensation in your lower abdomen. That extra-large Coke ...

Test to detect if breast cancer will return ‘100 per cent accurate’

Sarah Carter

A blood test that can detect if breast cancer will return with “100 per cent accuracy” has been developed by scientists. The ...