
The latest health news, research, and expert advice.

Fatherhood Poses a Serious Hidden Health Risk Other Men Don’t Face : ScienceAlert

Sarah Carter

Later in life, fathers have poorer heart health compared to non-fathers, according to findings from the first longitudinal, multi-ethnic US study to ...

I tried taking magnesium every day for a month to see if it really reduces stress and anxiety

Sarah Carter

Ever since the birth of my second child, I’ve struggled with stress, anxiety and anger. I’m sure many mums do – and ...

Brain Chemistry Sheds Light on Overeating and Memory

Sarah Carter

Summary: Fruit flies use the neurotransmitter octopamine to decide whether food memories are stored long-term or short-term. This process, influenced by energy ...

Wonder drug could triple survival rates of deadly bowel cancer

Sarah Carter

Survival rates for a deadly type of bowel cancer could triple using a wonder drug already available on the NHS, new research ...

Cancer rates among under-50s in UK have risen 24% since 1995, figures show | Cancer

Sarah Carter

The number of people under 50 being diagnosed with cancer in the UK has risen 24% in two decades, a sharper increase ...

Synthetic Estrogen in Birth Control Linked to Anxiety

Sarah Carter

Summary: Researchers suggest that the type of estrogen in hormonal birth control influences anxiety-like behaviors. Researchers found that synthetic estrogen in birth ...

Long COVID Brain Fog: Impact and Coping Strategies

Sarah Carter

Summary: Long COVID, affecting 7% of U.S. adults, often includes debilitating brain fog. Symptoms like forgetfulness and difficulty focusing affect daily life ...

The best measures to reduce barcode lips and mouth wrinkles, including the drink you need to hydrate the skin

Sarah Carter

The skin around a woman’s mouth will often give away her age. Wrinkles begin to set in over time and some develop ...

The health risks of being a skinny old person – and how to stay strong

Sarah Carter

Build up the length of your walks slowly  Walking is the starting point for someone who wants to strengthen their heart and ...

A Psychologist Explains The Concerning Rise Of ‘Drunkorexia’

Sarah Carter

Severely restricting caloric consumption before drinking could reflect deeper mental health … [+] struggles. getty “Drunkorexia,” a portmanteau of the words “drunk” ...